How Hailo Fuels its Growth Using NoSQL Storage and Analytics
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  Dave Gardner   Dave Gardner
Software Engineer


Thursday, August 22, 2013
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Level:  Technical - Introductory

Hailo is building the world's best taxi app -- we're already in 9 cities worldwide, have 300,000 registered passengers, and are growing (30%+) every month. Of course, that presents a serious infrastructure challenge.

I'll explain how we've built our service around tools that have three key NoSQL characteristics -- they're all distributed, resilient and operationally simple. The particular goals we set ourselves were around making it easy to replicate our architecture as we launch in new cities, to scale as we grow in each city, while all the time being able to coordinate that setup in a straightforward way. I'll describe:

  • Our multi-city setup, and cloud-based architecture
  • How we use Cassandra for distributed primary storage
  • How we use Acunu Analytics for real-time analytics and operational insight
  • How NSQ provides distributed queuing and joins together our services

Dave Gardner is a senior member of the technical team at Hailo, and has been organizer of the Cassandra London meetup group since 2010. He speaks regularly on next-generation database and Big Data technologies, including at Cassandra EU, ApacheCon, Cloud Expo, Big Data London, and PHP-UK 2013.

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