Thursday, August 22, 2013 
08:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Level: | Technical - Advanced
This hands-on lab will drive you through the key concepts NoSQL document databases such as JSON Document, Key/Value, MapReduce but also cluster topology and administration.
Matt will drive you through the key concepts of NoSQL document databases: - JSON Documents
- Key/Value databases
- Map Reduce
- Cluster Elasticity
Matt will also go through how to integrate full text search into your application using the Couchbase Elastic Search plugin.
Couchbase Server is easy to install on Linux, OS X or Windows so "Come as you are".
Matt is an experienced web architect with a software development background. He has deep expertise in building, scaling and operating global-scale Java, Ruby on Rails and AMP web applications. He has been a contributor to the memcached project, one of the maintainers of the Java spymemcached client and a core developer on Couchbase. He is currently heading up Couchbase's work in getting the right bits needed for PHP, Java, .NET and Ruby developers (among others).